[TAS•RTA•Any%•Superplays] L’Attaque des P’tits Temps

Mais rassurez-vous, on trouve quand même des gusses qui 1CC 雷軋斗 RIOT tranquillou.

What a bad ass game.
It took me a few days to memorize the enemy spawns doing credits here and there. Only thing a bit annoying is the final boss if you don’t quick kill one of the eyes you can die pretty easily from the unavoidable attack. I’ve added this one to my top favorite run and guns.

00:00:00 - Start + Title
00:00:20 - Round 1
00:03:51 - Round 2
00:08:29 - Round 3
00:12:30 - Round 4
00:16:11 - Round 5
00:22:48 - Round 6
00:26:42 - Ending